How to Hack Facebook Accounts with Backtrack 5
Note: This guide is only for knowledge purpose
Step 1 : Open set Tool in Backtrack 5 : To open go to start-exploitation tools-social engineering tools-social engineering toolkit-Set .
Step 2 : Time to set the Website Attack Vectors : Below Menu enter your choice : 2.Website Attack Vectors and press Enter .
Step 3 : Select your Attacking Method , choose 3. Credential Harvester Attack Method.
Step 4 : Select Attack Vectors :write 2. Site Cloner and press enter.
Step 5: Enter the Url: To make a clone to facebook login page I entered and press enter . As I press enter it will automatically generate a clone page .
Step 6 : To continue the process you have to put * sign and press enter.
Step 7 : Process will continue.
Step 8: Open terminal and enter ifconfig command . It will shown your ip address . Now copy the ip address
Step9 :Open Web Browser and Paste the system ipaddress into Address bar and it will redirect to the facebook login page .
Now Enter your anything to check it will work or not .
Email :
And Press Enter.
Step 10 :
In step 7 the process start you remember now when you follow step 8 and
step 9 ,then it will come up with all the details of Username and
Password .
In this way we can hack victim facebook and password only on Backtrack 5
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